Getting it right for every child: Priority Area(s)

GIRFEC Resources;
Request for Assistance;
Communications Plan;
Ayrshire GIRFEC Website development; and

The Children and Young People pan Ayrshire GIRFEC Working Group oversee the workplan.


Programme Board

A pan Ayrshire Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Programme Board was set up in 2016 to oversee these parts of the Act.

This has evolved to a pan Ayrshire Children and Young People Implementation Working Group, who meet every 3 weeks. It has multi-disciplinary membership (Head of Education for North, South and East Ayrshire Local Authority, Director of Children Services for North, South and East Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Primary Care, Allied Health Professions (AHPs), Police and Mental Health services).

Regular reporting of progress against the work plan is provided to the Infant, Children and Young People's Transformational Change Programme Board.

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Supporting Ayrshire's children, young people & their families