Q. What is a named person?

A. A named person will normally be the health visitor or family nurse practitioner for a pre-school child and a promoted teacher – such as a head teacher, or guidance teacher or other promoted member of staff – for a school age child.

The named person duties are integrated into their current role and strengthen the support they currently provide, formalising their role as a central contact for children, young people, parents and the ‘team with the family’ supporting them.

All children and young people are entitled to a named person they can decline the support offered by the named person at any time.

Q. What is a lead professional?

A. Where it has been agreed that identified interventions are required to support a child/young person’s wellbeing a Child/Young Person’s Plan (‘My Plan’) should be prepared. There will be a lead professional to make sure that the Child/Young Person’s Plan (‘My Plan’) is managed properly and to co-ordinate the support described in the Plan. The lead professional will;

  • make sure that the child/young person and their parent(s)/carers understand what is happening at each point so that they can be involved in the decisions that affect them;
  • ensure the Child/Young Person’s Plan (‘My Plan’) is accurate, up-to-date, implemented and reviewed regularly; and
  • consult and work with the child/young person’s named person.

Q. What is the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014?

A. The Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 was introduced to parliament in April 2013 and received its royal assent on 27th March 2014. The Act creates the legislative framework for reforms to the way in which children and their families are supported. The Act is founded on key principles of integration and those principles outlined under ‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) a focus on wellbeing, improved outcomes through prevention, early detection and early intervention.

The Act embeds the rights of children and young people across the public sector in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The UNCRC can be found here.

Q. Where can I find a copy of the Act

A. A full copy of the Act can be accessed here.


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