Child/Young Person’s Plan (‘My Plan’)
Module Five
Child/Young Person’s Plan (‘My Plan’)
Once the GIRFEC Practice Model has been used to assess the child/young person, appropriate and proportionate information is entered into the child/young person’s plan (‘My Plan’)
A child/young person should only have one plan which is completed by a single agency, gathering information from others as required or by a Team with the Family led by the lead professional. Once the information is gathered and analysed it is important that Planned Outcomes are agreed and recorded clearly within the plan.
A child/young person should not have separate plans completed by different agencies. Everyone involved with the child/young person and their family should be included in the single plan as appropriate. The child/young person and parents/carers should have actions in the plan to improve the wellbeing of the child or young person. This plan should be reviewed in a timely manner.
The plan should be shared on AYRshare with the Team with the Family contacts.
The Chronology of Significant Events
A chronology is a factual record of significant events or changes in circumstances that impact on the child/young person’s safety, wellbeing or development.
The chronology should be analysed as part of the risk assessment. It should be evidence based and succinct so that emerging patterns of risk are obvious.
A chronology should be completed and kept up to date for every child who has a Child/Young Person’s Plan (‘My Plan’). A single agency chronology provides a brief summary of significant events in a child or young person’s life. An integrated chronology should be produced as part of a specific multi-agency intervention and integrated assessment.
It is important that the Significant Event and Outcome/Action are kept succinct and that the detail is recorded within the assessment. Feedback from previous inspection has shown that too much information within the chronology means that emerging patterns of risk cannot be identified and that professionals will not read a chronology that is too long and detailed.
The National Guidance should be used when completing the chronology. View the national chronology guidance here.
Significant Events should be shared in the chronology in AYRshare with the Team with the Family contacts.